Monday, December 7, 2009


Because I'll always be fascinated by the weirdest fashions out there.
I recently came across the website of Yuima Nakazato, a rather futuristic Japanese designer whom goes all out when it comes to creativity. Her collection "An Imaginary Form" for 2007 was obviously heavily inspired by glass, plastic and white, and it reminds me of what the "Space Age" was seen as, in the 1960s.

I always found entertaining the fact that the word "Futuristic" is so outdated, as of today.


Ever considered owning H1N1 memorabilia? Now is your chance. This mask is a collector's item, fashion accessory, and it increases the chances of contracting H1N1 and any normal flu virus.
You read right. It helps you get sick.

"The INFLU flu collector mask has a battery driven micro-fan fitted on the inhalation valve that increases the intake of viruses in ambient air through the respiratory system. The comfortable and convenient mask can be worn in everyday situations such as while commuting to and from work."

So, what are YOUR plans for the holiday?


Ever wanted to wear a dress made of anything but fabric? No? Well, that's too bad because I found this link which shows a variety of dresses "made from almost anything and everything".

My personal favorites are the LED dresses:
And the newspaper dresses:

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Another day, another dress.
It actually only took me about 8 hours to complete this. A lot faster than anything else I've done.
While shopping for fabric at G Street I came across a table of Juicy Couture fabric. I am not a fan of the clothes/accessories, but their fabric is just... amazing. And this yellow in particular ended up being perfect for the design I had in mind for my final Advanced Problems I project. (it even fits me! Hello NYE 2010 parties!)

As inspiration for this piece we had to pick letters out of a scrabble bag. I got X and R. The Xs turned out to be the belt part (obviously with heavy modification while designing it) and the R is the neckline. I'll tell you, it was pretty stressful putting an elastic in, for the first time. But now I know how to make swimsuits, if I ever have to!

Anyway, yes, this is all. =)


I came across a collection of prosthetic inspired "body armor" by University of the Arts London graduate Úna Burke.
As an aspiring costume designer, I can't look away from these amazing wearable art pieces. Beautifully made sculptures have always been how what I see the future of fashion, and seeing all those sci-fi movies while growing up definitely pushed this thought further.

And the line between fashion and art keeps getting finer.